ponton privê pour le taxi bateau


Online booking:

To check availability and rates and to book online, the easiest way is to use our secure 24h online booking system.

Do you prefer to ask for information via email to our staff?

Please send us your individual request. We are happy to answer your questions and give you all details and information you might need.

Do you want to call and speak to our staff by phone or send a fax?

Tel +39 041 523 15 80
Fax +39 041 520 94 55
Booking +39 041 523 15 83
Email [email protected]

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The Hotel Gabrielli is located in the heart of Venice, just a few minutes walk from St. Mark’s Square, easily accessible by public and private transportation in the city.
By Plane, from Venice Marco Polo airport to the Hotel Gabrielli:
Guests can take advantage of a private water taxi, which leaves them about 500 meters from the airport terminal and leads directly to the hotel dock in about 30 minutes. Alternatively, the public service Alilaguna – blue line is available to the guests from the airport to Arsenale in approximately 1 hour, just a few minutes walk from the hotel.
For the time table you can visit: www.alilaguna.it
  Private water taxi from the airport – 30 minutes
  Alilaguna blue line (Arsenale) – approx. 1 hour
By Plane, from Treviso airport to the hotel:
Guests can reach Venice by the public bus service ATVO, arriving in about 1 hour and 30 minutes at Piazzale Roma, a strategic point of the city, from which is easy to access to the private water taxi service or line 1 or 4.1, arriving at the hotel from the nearby stop Arsenale.
  ATVO (Treviso airport – Piazzale Roma) – 1 hour 30 minutes
  Private water taxi from Piazzale Roma – 15 minutes
  ACTV line 1 or 4.1 (Piazzale Roma – Arsenale) – 45 minutes
By Car, from car parking and bus station – Piazzale Roma
Guests arriving in Venice are required to park their vehicle at Piazzale Roma, where water-taxis are available and lead directly to the hotel’s landing stage in about 15 minutes.
Guests can also reach the hotel by accessing the public ferry service lines 1 or 4.1, reaching the nearest bus stop Arsenale.
  Private water-taxi from Piazzale Roma – 15 minutes
  ACTV line 1 or 4.1 (Piazzale Roma – Arsenale) – 45 minutes
By Train, from Saint Lucia Station to the Hotel Gabrielli:
Guests arriving in Venice by train can access the private water-taxi service in front of the exit of the train station, directly reaching the hotel’s landing stage in about 15 minutes.
They can also reach the hotel by accessing the public ferry service line 1 or 4.1, coming to the nearby Arsenale stop in about 45 minutes.
  Private water taxi from Santa Lucia Station/Ferrovia – 15 minutes
  ACTV line 1 or 4.1 (Santa Lucia Station/Ferrovia – Arsenale) – 45 minutes

Clausola “Tutela dei dati. Decreto legislativo n. 196/2003” per clienti e fornitori Ai sensi dell’articolo 13 del Codice in materia di dati personali si informa che i dati personali anagrafici e fiscali acquisiti direttamente e/o tramite terzi dall’impresa HOTEL GABRIELLI SRL, Castello- Riva degli Schiavoni 4110 – 30122 Venezia Italia, Cod. Fisc. E Partita I.V.A. 00162530273, titolare del trattamento, vengono trattati in forma cartacea, informatica, telematica per esigenze contrattuali e di legge, nonché per consentire una efficace gestione dei rapporti commerciali. Gli indirizzi di posta elettronica forniti potranno essere utilizzati dall’impresa per l’invio di comunicazioni relative a servizi analoghi a quelli oggetto del rapporto commerciale in essere. Il mancato conferimento dei dati, ove non obbligatorio, verrà valutato di volta in volta dall’azienda titolare del trattamento e determinerà le conseguenti decisioni rapportate all’importanza dei dati richiesti rispetto alla gestione del rapporto commerciale.
I dati potranno essere comunicati in Italia e/o all’estero, esclusivamente per le finalità sopra indicate e, conseguentemente, trattati solo a tali fini dagli altri soggetti, a: – nostra rete di agenti – istituti di credito – società di recupero crediti – società di assicurazione del credito – società di informazioni commerciali – professionisti e consulenti, per le medesime finalità i dati potranno venire a conoscenza delle seguenti categorie di incaricati e/o responsabili: personale aziendale L’interessato potrà esercitare tutti i diritti di cui all’art. 7 del DL 196/2003 (tra cui i diritti di accesso, rettifica, aggiornamento, di opposizione al trattamento e di cancellazione).